All these images originate
from computer processing...
In the background, a glider
transforms the prehistoric bird and in the forefront a modern
glider symbolizes the history of flying. Published in the Microcomputer
June 1995
How you from
the glider, can see the air tow, or almost...
Taking in the fresh air and the sweet
smell of the flowery meadow, in the shade of the
wing of the glider.
Fantastic clouds colour in the summer
Lining up before the competition
Being at one with the atmosphere
The Libelle, a fine standard from the
No! Never so low over
mountain stream...
Published as the cover
of Volo a Vela
Over the small
alpine lakes of the Aig. de Chambeyron
All of this traffic does not really
This image of Fed Aer Intern was placed second in
a global photographic competition.
the Glacier Noir
The effect of "speed"
Romeo when it flew with the DG 300
Sandro when he thought the ASW24 would
be the best glider in the world...