Logo di Gianca



Virtual gallery

All these images originate from computer processing...

Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes

In the background, a glider transforms the prehistoric bird and in the forefront a modern
glider symbolizes the history of flying. Published in the Microcomputer June 1995

Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes How you from the glider, can see the air tow, or almost...
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Taking in the fresh air and the sweet smell of the flowery meadow, in the shade of the
wing of the glider.
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Fantastic clouds colour in the summer afternoon.
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Lining up before the competition
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Being at one with the atmosphere
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes The Libelle, a fine standard from the 1970's.
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes

No! Never so low over mountain stream...

Published as the cover of Volo a Vela

Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Over the small alpine lakes of the Aig. de Chambeyron
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes All of this traffic does not really exist
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Filippo's Discus
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes This image of Fed Aer Intern was placed second in a global photographic competition.
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Over the Glacier Noir
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes
The effect of "speed"
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Romeo when it flew with the DG 300
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Sandro when he thought the ASW24 would be the best glider in the world...
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes
With this photo they even made a cake!
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes ....Exaggerating number one
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes

...Number two

Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes ...Number three
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes And at last number four
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes The Claudio's DG 300
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Over the Pelvoux chain
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes To arrive at the Maurienne
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes SKYY see SKYY
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes The Maurizio's LS6
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes The Adriano's DG200
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Closely encounter...
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes A sky truly virtual
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Wave fly
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes So a pilot born...
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes To fly in formation
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes Sun rise in the French Alps
Images - Soaring flight, sailplanes To an end on borders on the lunacy!
